Saturday, August 11, 2018

Greetings Chargers!!!

Firstly! We here at Leland Legend Yearbook would like to thank EVERYONE for a terrific 2017-2018 year! We hope you enjoyed your book. We worked with HP Reveal's augmented reality app to bring some of the events to life. Let us know if you liked this feature so that we can include it again. And, if you're not aware of this feature, come pick up some info. It's fun!

There are still 2018 yearbooks yet to be picked up, so please see Ms. DeBenedetto in J1 if you did not get your book at the end of the school year. For those who'd like to get their hands on this book (we were at sell out but found we may have a couple extras) please check in with yearbook to get an update. 

2018-19 Yearbook
On sale for: 
$75 - NOW - lowest price of the year! 
Get yours at the bank until the end of August -- OR -- at JostensYou can order a personalized (name-stamped) book as well. Don't wait until the end of school when its $100 again!!

Happy Back-to-School!!
Love, Your Yearbook Staff